Benefits Of House Plants

We touched upon some of the benefits to your home, health and wellbeing already. But did you know there’s a lot of solid research around their positive benefits to us? Really! House plants have been part of many an academic study on the benefits nature and greenery bring to us as human beings. For instance, they can improve air quality up to 30% (depending on the number used) vs a comparable home that has none and remove Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from your indoor environment. It has been noted they can also help to add humidity to a room/space, which means less dry and dusty air to irritate your airways, cause runny noses, and itchy eyes.

Numerous studies have also found a connection between indoor plants and mental health. They create feelings of relaxation from stress and anxiety, prolong attention spans, boost self-esteem, offer inspiration, and create positivity within us. This goes so far as to aid our natural recovery processes. It has been documented that for hospital patients, plants and flowers had lowered blood pressure, raised pain tolerance, lowered anxiety, and lowered fatigue than patients who stayed in rooms without plants.

With Coronavirus disrupting our lives and causing higher stress, anxiety, and longer times spent indoors, indoor plants have really came to the forefront of people’s minds as a method to mitigate these effects. With everything they can do for us, we think you’ll agree with us when we say that plants are pretty special things.