Care Of House Plants And Flowers

Indoor Plant & Flower CareHouse Plants Flowers

An indoor plant care professional for more than thirty years, I find that house plants are very adaptable as long as changes are made slowly. Caring for indoor tropical house plants in many different environments has taught me how to help keep a plant in good condition, even when it is in an unsuitable environment.

One of the best parts about working in the interior landscape industry is helping customers with their personal house plant problems. Many of them have problems with their own indoor plants. It is nice to be able to help them keep their indoor house plants growing and healthy. That is why I started this website, to help others with their house plant care.

A few important things I have learned about caring for interior landscape plants are that providing good care for your plants and flowers requires attending to them on a regular schedule and that choosing plants that are well suited for growing indoors makes a world of difference. Starting with a healthy plant, one with a good root system and healthy stems and foliage, will make it much easier to keep your plant healthy and growing.

Know what plant care information you are looking for? Use the indoor plant links in the top menu or the site search above for common house plants and plant care. If you are trying to find a good house plant and don't know what to buy, check out my list of easy to care for house plants. If you have never had an indoor plant before you might want to start with something like a Sansevieria plant, or Mother-In-Law Tongue, as it is very easy to maintain.

If you have an indoor, tropical house plant but you are not sure what type of plant you have, check this page of pictures indoor house plants and flowers with names of plants and links to page with care of indoor house plant. I am still working on getting as many common indoor, tropical house plant pictures added to this page as I can. Hope you can find your plant there.