What Does Osmanthus Symbolize?

One of ten famous flowers in Taiwan and China, the osmanthus flower is the official flower of the month of August. It holds quite a bit of symbolism, traditionally representing romance and love.

The fragrant flowers are known in China as “gui hua” and are recognized as being some of the most fragrant flowers here. The city of Guilin has so many osmanthus trees that its scenery is said to be some of the most beautiful in the world.

There are several varieties of osmanthus to be aware of, each of which holds its own unique beauty and symbolism. These are some of the most common osmanthus varieties, although dozens of hybrids and cultivars have been developed.

In fact, more than 29 cultivars of osmanthus have been developed, with colors varying between white, yellow, red, and gold.

What Does an Orange Osmanthus Flower Symbolize?
Orange osmanthus flowers tend to hold the same symbolism as orange flowers of other species. They usually indicate themes like optimism, joy, and serenity.

What Does a White Osmanthus Flower Symbolize?
White osmanthus was once used in old wedding ceremonies. The flower was used by the bride to bring to her new family, along with pomegranate plants. The plant, when gifted in this fashion, represented true love, faithfulness, fertility, and peace.

It was also used to indicate the bride’s intentions to give birth to many noble children and provide her new family with grandchildren.